الثلاثاء، 20 مارس 2018

الاثنين، 19 مارس 2018

How to make Shoe Paint Splash in Photoshop CC

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153 Making a 3D relief from a grayscale picture with ArtCAM

These videos are intended for entertainment and inspiration. Woodworking and metalworking is dangerous. Always seek professional advice and training before using any power tools or CNC machine. If you have any uncertainty before performing any DIY procedure, stop and learn a safer method. Understand that there are years of learning and experimentation by me that are not in the videos. Do not attempt anything simply because you saw it in one of my videos.

how to depixelate images in photoshop

The quick tutorial on how to depixelate images in Adobe Photoshop learn how to edit a small resolution photo and prepare it for high-quality prints and productions very easy tutorial to follow.

Dispersion Effect_ Photoshop Tutorial


In this Photoshop Tutorial, I will teach you how to create a dispersion effect. This effect has become very popular. It looks fairly complicated, but it's actually quite simple. I believe the hardest part  was finding the perfect free brush set for the effect. Which I have provided below. A few things we'll be doing is creating the effect using brushes and masks. We'll also be using a broken glass texture. I will  then add a nice gradient for the image, then for the final step, I will sharpen the image and effect to make it stand out much more. I hope you like this tutorial.

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Particle brushes

Buy 40 Premium Photoshop actions for less than a coffee

السبت، 17 مارس 2018

أقوى فيديو التاثيرات على صناعه الصور والرسم

الاثنين، 5 فبراير 2018

The Risks and Benefits of Digital Currency
Digital currencies are a theoretical speculation now, however, the blockchain innovation that supports them appears to be sure to have significant ramifications.

The first occasion when I heard the expression "Bitcoin" I was sitting amidst my neighborhood shopping center holding up to get whatever remains of my shopping is done. I caught somebody say they had finished an installment utilizing a type of advanced money. 

I snickered to myself: That's unquestionably not going to get on. Presently, years after the fact, I'm trying to backpedal as computerized monetary standards keep on being embraced by significant brands and stages on the web. Computerized monetary forms started when Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous innovator of Bitcoin, had a fantasy to make something no other individual had ever done before - an advanced type of income. You could utilize your own ledger for instance. You can go to the bank and take out coins and bills, of which there a set number. Cash is a checked passage in some sort of database of records, adjusts and exchanges. 

Just "mineworkers" of the Bitcoins can affirm exchanges, however on a fundamental level, everybody can be an excavator. In any case, the digger's activity in the cryptographic money condition is to take exchanges and confirm them. By giving this administration, diggers get compensated with advanced tokens.

Related: 5 Ways to Participate in the Bitcoin Revolution 

The developing interests of cryptographic money. 

Cryptographic forms of money have been drawing noteworthy enthusiasm in the course of the most recent a while, as per Charles Bovaird, a monetary essayist and advisor who has worked for State Street, Moody's and Citizens Commercial Banking. He as of now holds Bitcoin and Ether, two driving kinds of advanced cash, and trusts that what's to come is splendid for computerized monetary standards. "This developing permeability is clear in both Google Trends look information and furthermore the rising business sector estimations of the computerized monetary forms themselves," he said. 

Zack Friedman, originator, and CEO of Make Lemonade whose profession has included stretches as CFO of a worldwide vitality organization, support investments contributing and employment with The Blackstone Group and Morgan Stanley, said digital forms of money have undisputed favorable circumstances, however, an indeterminate future. "Advocates of digital forms of money refer to a few key focal points, to be specific decentralization, namelessness, security, and mechanization," Friedman said. "In any case, financial specialists are part in regards to the solidness and benefits of cryptographic forms of money, with some trusting they speak to the flood without bounds, while others reject them as an unadulterated theory."

الأحد، 28 يناير 2018

مطلوب على وجه السرعة عمال إنتاج لمصانع تابعة لإدارة شركة عمال مصر
8  ساعات للبنات 1600 + وجبة
9  ساعات للشباب 1800 + وجبة
10 ساعات شباب وبنات 2000
12 ساعة من 2400 الى 2800
بالاضافه الى بدل مواصلات 10 جنيه يومياً

مكتب لخدمات طلاب الجامعات ... يطلب محترفين تلخيص الكتب أو مقالات بأسلوبك الشخصى وليس اختصار او نقل لبعض الجمل من الكتب.
وعلى أن يكون لديهم القدرة على الابداع فى استخدام العبارات وصياغتها بأسلوب جيد من خلال التلخيص. ويفضل حملة الدبلومة أو الماجستير أو من يجد لديه الاحترافية فى هذا المجال..

الجمعة، 5 يناير 2018

  Every thing

These people manage the Everything Page and have chosen to have the Page appear on their profile and their name and profile picture shown on the Page.

